Wednesday 18 October 2017

Not Consumed kim sorgius

Organize My Homeschool

Organize My Homeschool

Do you ever feel like your homeschool is one giant mess?
Whether it's random leftovers in your son's Algebra notebook or a science curriculum that hasn't been touched in 2 months, homeschool has a way of making us feel like we are living in chaos.
It's easy to become consumed by our homeschool. There are papers and books. Notebooks, textbooks, grade books, lesson plans. Ok, I'm already tired just listing those few. Sound familiar?
I know you can relate because you have kids. And kids are messy. (Can I get an amen?) Life is messy, too. Unexpected doctor's appointments, illnesses, lay-offs and many other life events can make homeschooling a very challenging task.
But I have some really exciting news to share with you, my friend Kim Sorgius is a master at helping people create homeschool systems that actually work. She's a single (work at home) mom who has homeschooled her 4 kids for 12+ years and she has created an amazing new course to help others tame the homeschool chaos, too.
You've got to see the video of her homeschool room. She's real, practical, and super encouraging. It's going to shock you when you see her confession and then inspire your heart when you see how easy it is to take control of your own chaos.
Click over now and see what I'm talking about!

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